Covenant Leadership
Covenant URC is under the oversight of Escondido URC. Covenant URC also has a Steering Committee to assist the Escondido URC Consistory at the local level. The Steering Committee, with oversight from Escondido URC, provides leadership by doing the following:
Pray for, support, and encourage the adherents of this fellowship in their service to the Lord, being accessible to assist with needs spiritual or material.
Meet regularly with the Escondido URC leadership.
Meet regularly to discuss and make decisions about the life of this body.
Support the ministry of the Word at Covenant.
Steering Committee Members
Rev. Jason Ryce, Interim Pastor
Rev. Ryce and Janine, his wife of 20 years, were born and raised in the Pittsburgh area and previously served in ministry at Tucson Reformed Church (2010-14) and Springs Reformed Church (2014-22), the Christian & Missionary Alliance (2007-09), and the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (2002-06). Rev. Ryce attended the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary (RPTS) in Pittsburgh, PA and was ordained in the RPCNA in 2010. Rev. Ryce has been preaching regularly for Covenant since June of 2023, and was elected to serve part-time as our Interim Pastor in October of 2023. Rev. Ryce and Janine have 3 young children and are members of a local RPCNA congregation. When he’s not spending time with his precious family, you might find Rev. Ryce doing sermon preparation at a local coffee shop, mountain biking, or hiking with his family. His email is pastor.ryce@gmail.com.
Will Kim, Chair
Will grew up in California in reformed congregations (KAPC and URCNA) and came to faith in Christ at an early age. He met his wife Olga while she was interpreting on a mission trip. Shortly after moving to Colorado, he and Olga began worshipping with Coram Deo Reformation Church in Denver where he was ordained and installed as an elder. As Covenant URC was being planted under the oversight of Coram Deo in 2011, Will was part of the core group that began the church plant. We’re grateful that he’s been willing to chair our steering committee, oversee pulpit supply and work with Tim and Pastor Jason in table administration. Will and his wife Olga have three grown children, two in college and one married, and enjoy sight-seeing and experiencing foods from a variety of cultures together. Will has worked in the IT field for decades and has served on the board of a local Christian school (Evangel Christian Academy).
Tim Senne
Tim grew up in Colorado and entered the U.S. Army at age 17, where a believer challenged him with the Gospel of Christ and Tim was brought to faith and repentance. He and his wife Brenda and their children have been worshiping at Covenant since 2016. Tim was previously ordained and installed as a Ruling Elder in a Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) congregation and continues to use his gifts to encourage and build up the saints at Covenant. Tim leads our weekly online prayer meeting. He owns and operates a construction business in Colorado Springs specializing in interior renovation. Tim and Brenda homeschooled their now adult children and continue to be involved in the homeschooling community. Tim has a contagious passion for the Gospel, global missions, world history and events, Formula One auto racing, skiing, and hiking.
Chris Bunker, Secretary
Chris grew up in various places but settled in Colorado Springs in 1987. Chris and his wife, Molly, both came to faith in their later years in high school through door-to-door evangelism and the preaching of the Gospel at a local PCA church. Chris and Molly have five grown children and have worshipped with Covenant since 2022. Chris serves our steering committee as secretary, helping us remember our commitments and decisions, and also runs our recording and streaming system. Chris has previously served on the board of a local Christian School and also coached high school soccer. Chris enjoys serving Christ in his vocation in the satellite and communications field, spending time with his family, running, golfing, reading, and that gratifying experience of mowing the lawn.
Matt Durham
Matt was raised in a Christian home and served as a deacon for 17 years in a Bible-believing non-denominational Baptist congregation. Having been a farmer who owned a truck, Matt is now a trucker who owns a farm. While we enjoy seeing him dial in to prayer meetings from various spots in the USA, he always looks more comfortable dialed in at home sitting next to his wife Mary. If you converse with Matt, you’re likely to learn a new farming analogy, be encouraged, or absorb a renewed appreciation for puritan preaching. Matt and Mary have five grown children and have worshipped at Covenant since 2022.
The Steering Committee counts it a joy to serve our brothers and sisters at Covenant. We believe that God uses the church to save and sanctify sinners like us, and are grateful for our Father’s merciful provision and the Spirit’s continuing presence and help in this community of faith. To contact us, please email covleadership [at] googlegroups [dot] com. We'd love to hear from you!